My 10K Journey: Breaking Mental Blocks

Last month I ran my first 10K after being a runner for 7 years and only running 5K’s. This was a HUGE moment of accomplishment for me because I broke through the ceiling of what I told myself was possible. I always thought that 5K was the longest distance I would run. After watching my husband complete two full marathons and a half, I started questioning…maybe I have more in me? But this journey wasn’t without a lot of self-doubt that I had to overcome. I had to stop putting myself in a box, and realize the role that my thoughts were having in blocking my success.

Several of my friends joined and ran as well, which definitely was super motivating!

Hot, sweaty, and super PROUD of me and my friend Twyla!

Block #1 – Telling myself I’m not a runner.

I’ve been running for years. But did I believe I was a runner? No. I believed that I ran at the gym for my workout. I had to adopt the identity to be able to believe that I could accomplish what “real runners do”. That mindset shift was powerful.

Block #2 – Comparing myself to my husband.

Watching his success challenged me and quickly became a comparison game, but I needed to run my OWN race! I only needed to show up to beat my own negative voice! I had nothing to prove to anyone else. My own runs became so much more satisfying when I did them for me! (and only me!)

Block #3 – Letting the mean girl voice in my head win.

I kept hitting mental blocks at 4 miles. I couldn’t seem to get past it. I felt so defeated. The mean girl was winning. Finally one run, I called her out.. like out loud I literally said “Shut up! I can do this and I will!” Sounds crazy probably, but it helped me. I found myself affirming myself on other runs by speaking out loud to drown out negativity and it was amazing! The only way to drown her out is to replace her with something positive. Turns out, she got quieter and quieter.

I realized that the runs don’t get easier, you just get stronger. As soon as I started telling myself I could do it and I would do it…I absolutely did.

This journey has led me to seek out what else I’m telling myself “I can’t do” and right now Half Marathon is the next thing I want to crush! Dallas half, I’m comin for ya!

As I’ve been reflecting on these challenges, I realize we as women do this to ourselves all the time. We self-sabotage by limiting ourselves through our beliefs. But once we change the narrative in our head, we unlock so many possibilities! You are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for.

I wanted to share this story because I believe it’s so relevant to the women that I see in my studio. Boudoir is about taking your mindset and unlocking a new perspective which has the power to radically start changing your body image. Your mind is a really powerful tool. Be careful what you feed it. When you focus on the positivity, it just gets better and stronger!


So my questions for you would be…

What mean girl voice are you listening to? How can you replace her with positivity?

What are you believing about your body that is hindering your ability to love yourself?


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